Reglass HT Certifications
The new UNI EN ISO 9100 certification was obtained in May 2023, representing a step forward for Reglass HT, in the sign of quality. This involves the setting up of a management system that allows more detailed monitoring of production processes, making them easier to repeat and creating higher quality standards.
The UNI EN ISO 9100 certification, which includes and encompasses ISO 9001 certification, will allow Reglass to increase high-tech products such as those destined for the aerospace industry.
Satisfying the complex needs of customers, making the use of carbon composites in various sectors profitable and becoming a reference manufacturer: this is the objective which commits Reglass and its entire organisation.
The aim: to put the customer at the centre and to propose a “global service”, defining internally those competencies on processes and methodologies which are able to constitute effective and efficient work teams: capable of realising synergies to improve everyone’s work.